If you're looking to save a little cash during your trip to Salamanca, opting for budget accommodations is a great way to start and can make a big difference. Plus, in a city like Salamanca that constantly attracts students from all over the world, there are accommodations to fit the so-called "student budget." Furthermore, you'll quickly notice that life in Salamanca, like in all Spanish cities, consists of being out and about in the city streets; frankly all you really need is a place to leave your suitcase and get some occasional shut-eye!
In your search for budget accommodations in Salamanca, you're likely to come acros two main options: a "pensión", or a "hostal" (hostel). Don't be surprised if you walk into your room and realize that there's no bathroom- these options are pretty basic and often either have communal bathrooms or charge more if you want a private one. A "pensión" is indicated by a blue sign with a white "P" while a similar sign with a white "Hs" denotes a "hostal."
Additionally, upon your arrival to the Salamanca bus station or train station you may encounter people advertising (in person) "casas particulares" (private residences)- it may seem strange to accept lodging from random people who walk up to you, but this is a perfectly viable option and quite often the most economical.
A hostel is essentially the bridge between the pensión and the hotel. Just as hotels have a five-star rating system, hostels can be granted one, two, or three stars. When weighing your options, keep in mind that staying in a three-star hostel will cost you approximately the same as staying in a one-star hotel.
Where to look for Salamanca hostels and pensiones? Trust us, you'll quickly notice that they certainly aren't hard to find. Most budget accommodations can be found near any Spanish city's main tourist areas. In Salamanca, the areas surrounding the Salamanca University and the Plaza Mayor are magnets for budget accommodation- just check out the streets nearby and you're likely to come across a multitude of them.